How to Apply Certified Copy (CC) For Documents Online in tamil | Tamilnadu Certified Copy Download Online | Internet Cafe Tamil

 How to Apply Certified Copy (CC) For Documents Online in tamil | Tamilnadu Certified Copy Download Online | Internet Cafe Tamil

1. Introduction :-

This module will be helpful for the Registered Users who wants to apply for the Certified

Copy of registered documents Online. Once the payment made against the application, the Sub

Registrar will process request in Office. After the completion of Process, document will be available

for download in the respective applicant’slogin.

2. Apply Online CC forDocuments :-

1. Registered Users can login to the Application using theirUser Details.

                                         Figure 1: Portal Login Page

2. Citizen selectthe Certified Copy from E-servicestab and selectthe Search and Apply CC option.

           Figure 2: Selecting Apply for Search and Apply CC option in Portal

3. Citizen can selectthe document type from drop down.

                       Figure 3: Online CC Document Type –Property 

4. Citizen search the document using Document Number, Sub Registrar office, year. 

5. Citizen can view the document detailsin the Grid and option to Apply Online will beavailable.

                                Figure 4: Searching of the Document

6. Applicantshall enter the Name, Mobile Number, save the details, and proceed to Payment screen.

                                      Figure 5: Personal Details

7. Citizen can view the payment detailsin the screen and select the pay option and itwill navigate to E-paymentscreen. 

                                      Figure 6: Payment Details

8. Citizen can enter the Details and submitthe request.

                                       Figure 7: E-Payment Details 

9. Citizen can choose the Bank from the list and proceed with Payment.

              Figure 8: Bank Selection provision to proceed for Payment 

10. Upon successful Payment, the Payment details will be listed along with provision to generate Acknowledgment and Application will be sent to SR Office for Approval.

11. Once the payment is successful in portal, the request will reach the request list of SR of concerned office and it will be approved within 3 days from the date of payment completion. Upon approval of the Application by SR, Certified copy will be sent to the Applicant’s Login with QR code added in all the Pages and Digital Signature of SR affixed in the end. SMS Notificationwill be sentto the Applicant.



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